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Top Diplomats joins President of Singapore in Inter Racial Inter Religious Harmony Nite 2017
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Top diplomats in Singapore including Philippine Ambassador Antonio A. Morales joined Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Singapore officials at dinner coinciding with the Inter Racial Inter Religious Nite Harmony (IRIRHN) 2017 held on Saturday, 8 July 2017 at the Marina Bay Sands. The annual event, which is organized by the Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society and seven like-minded partners, aims to acknowledge the need to continue building mutual trust and understanding between people of different races and religions.

The event finds resonance in the thrust of the Singapore government to ensure a harmonious society amid the ethnic and religious diversity that characterize the city-state. In addition to the dinner, IRIRHN also featured fireworks at the Marina Barrage as well as cultural performances and displays by the various commands of the Singapore Armed Forces.

Ambassador Antonio A. Morales (2nd from left) with colleagues from the diplomatic community including, among others, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka, the Ambassador of Timor Leste and the Ambassador of Indonesia prior to the start of the dinner during the Inter Racial Inter Religious Harmony Nite 2017 on 8 July 2017 at the Marina Bay Sands.
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