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Philippine Embassy Officials Attend the 2017 Aidha Photography Exhibition
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(Vice Consul Laarni Zorayda S. Gandarosa with Assistant Labor Attache Macy Monique Maglanque and A Filipina FDW participant to Aidha Photography Exhibition 2017)

Philippine Embassy officials led by Third Secretary and Vice-Consul Laarni Zorayda S. Gandarosa attended the opening of “Unspoken Life”, a photography exhibition at the Intersections Gallery of a Singapore-based NGO, Aidha.  The exhibit was organized for and participated in by foreign domestic workers (FDWs) in Singapore.

A number of Filipina FDWs participated in the exhibit.

Aidha is a charitble NGO empowering women specifically FDWs through financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills.  The proceeds of the exhibit will go to Aidha’s 2017 Gift of Education campaign.  END

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