A Filipino Community Leaders Meeting, the fourth for this year, was held on 29 July 2018 at the Philippine Embassy in Singapore. Ambassador Yap updated the community leaders on the recent upgrades at the Embassy, which include the air-conditioning of the Consular-Labor Section customer service area, installation of refreshment vending machines, and the installation of two (2) self-service photocopiers.
Ambassador Yap also announced that in response to requests of some of our Kababayans, the possibility of accepting non-cash payments at the Embassy, but explained that there are certain barriers that need to be hurdled, due to the Embassy’s status as a foreign diplomatic unit in Singapore and limitations imposed by Philippine regulations upon the Embassy.
The Ambassador also took the opportunity to mention that due to his very tight schedule, Foreign Secretary Alan Peter S. Cayetano would not be able to meet the Community during his participation at the 51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting and Related Meetings on 31 July to 5 August 2018 but nevertheless extended his assurances that the Department of Foreign Affairs continues to work for the benefit of all OFWs.
Assistant Labor Attaché Macy Monique Maglanque announced POEA’s new advisory on the direct hiring procedure of Filipino workers. Ms. Maglangue reminded the Community that all workers through direct hire policy are advised to submit the complete requirements and that flight booking/departure schedule/itinerary should only be finalized and confirmed by the employer only upon the issuance of POEA Clearance and Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC).
The Embassy also announced certain role re-assignments among its diplomatic officers: Third Secretary and Vice Consul Laarni Zorayda S. Gandarosa now heads the Embassy’s Consular Section. First Secretary and Consul J. Anthony Reyes now heads the Embassy’s Economic Section and FilCom Relations.
The Embassy also announced the arrival of two new officers: Third Secretary and Vice Consul Janina Lourdes S. Bustos and Mr. Joseph M. Areno of the Labor Office.