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PHL Fourth Graders Won Gold Awards at the Singapore International Math Olympiad Challenge 2015
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Two grade four pupils from the Philippines placed a distinction for receiving gold awards at the Singapore International Mathematics Olympiad Challenge (SIMOC) on 16 August 2015. Filbert Joseph Ubanos and Filbert Ephraim Wu joined Rezaev Kamaal from Uzbekistan as the top three winners in the fourth level category of the competition. SIMOC 2015 drew 405 pupils from second grade to tenth grade, from 13 countries and territories, including Bulgaria, Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong (China), Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Pakistan, Singapore, China, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Contestants had to answer 25 questions in 90 minutes. SIMOC 2015 followed the Singapore and Asian Schools Mathematics Olympiad (SASMO 2015), which took place in April 2015. SASMO was held in each participating country, and winners compete at SIMOC.


Top: Group photo of the Philippine delegation to the Singapore International Math Olympiad International Challenge (SIMOC) on 16 August 2015. Bottom: Grade IV pupil Filbert Joseph Ubanos (2nd from right), one of the recipients of the Gold Award in the SIMOC, with Ambassador Antonio A. Morales (extreme right) and his father Ferdinand Ubanos (2nd from left). Also in photo is First Secretary and Consul Mersole J. Mellejor.
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