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Artist Nemiranda presents plan for art collaboration in Singapore
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Artist Nemesio Miranda a.k.a. Nemiranda presented his plan for collaboration between Filipino artists and their counterparts in Singapore during his call on Ambassador Antonio A. Morales at the Philippine Embassy in Singapore on Wednesday, 13 September 2017.

Mr. Miranda and his group came from Malaysia for an art event with Malaysian artists. Malaysian and Filipino artists conduct exchanges under an arrangement called Art Dialogo, which was initiated during the time of then-Philippine Ambassador to Malaysia Jose Eduardo Malaya.

Nemiranda said that such an arrangement could be explored with Singaporean artists.

Ambassador Morales thanked Mr. Miranda and his group for visiting the Embassy. He told Nemiranda about existing art projects of the Philippine Embassy including the annual Philippine Art Trek. He suggested to Nemiranda to look into it as a possible platform for his group to conduct exhibitions in Singapore.

Nemiranda and colleague Augusto Santiago made separate portraits of Ambassador Morales, which they presented to the latter near the end of the call.

Filipino artists Nemesio Miranda Jr. and Augusto Santiago present their random sketches to Ambassador Antonio A. Morales during their call at the Philippine Embassy on 13 September 2017.
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