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Singapore PE conducts Training on Countering Human Smuggling and the Palermo Protocols to Embassy Personnel
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As a part of its thrust to equip personnel with working knowledge on Assistance-to-Nationals issues and also its Gender and Development (GAD) program, the Philippine Embassy in Singapore held a training on Countering Human Smuggling and the Palermo Protocols to its personnel on 23 February 2018. Ms. Mary Judith V. Reyes of INTERPOL served as resource person and speaker.

 Ms. Reyes provided the participants an overview of the Palermo Protocols, particularly the protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children and how to distinguish between trafficking in persons and human smuggling.

The training gave a valuable insight on the elements of trafficking in persons and human smuggling, which can enable the Embassy personnel to identify and assist possible victims of trafficking in persons.

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