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Vice Governor Ka-Agapay holds consultations with Officials of Philippine Embassy in Singapore
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On Friday, 14 July 2017, the Vice Governor of Laguna, Philippines, the Honourable Katherine Agapay visited the Philippine Embassy in Singapore for consultations with officials led by Ambassador Antonio A. Morales. The Vice Governor was in Singapore to participate in the Foreign Academic Visit organized by the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) for the League of Vice Governors in the Philippines (LVGP) in collaboration with the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore (NUS-LKYSPP). During the consultations, Vice Governor Agapay discussed with Ambassador Morales and the heads of the various sections of the Embassy and the attached agencies the services of the Philippine Embassy. The Vice Governor told the officials that her office is open to work with the Embassy in addressing concerns involving the Filipino community including those who are from the province of Laguna.

Top photo: Vice Governor Katherine Agapay of Laguna (in coloured blouse) with Labour Attaché Ramon Pastrana, First Secretary and Consul Mersole J. Mellejor, Ambassador Antonio A. Morales, and Ms. Patricia Oliver-Macam. Bottom: Vice Governor Agapay exchanging notes with Third Secretary and Vice Consul Laarni Zorayda Gandarosa.
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