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Philippine Ambassador shares insights on Overseas Filipino workers in Singapore with CBN Asia
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Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales shared his insights on overseas Filipino workers in Singapore during an interview with CBN Asia’s Peter Kairuz, President and Chief Executive Officer, at the Philippine Embassy on Thursday, 23 July 2015. During the interview, Ambassador Morales spoke on the current situation of OFWs in Singapore, the challenges that they face as well new opportunities and prospects in Singapore. Ambassador Morales also shared his mission and programs for OFWs. Mr. Kairuz and other officials of CBN Asia earlier called on Ambassador Morales also at the Philippine Embassy.

Ambassador Antonio A. Morales with CBN Asia’s President and CEO Peter Kairuz
From left to right: Ms. Marlene N. Suarez, CBN Asia Head of Resource Development; Labor Attaché Ramon Tionloc Jr.; Mr. Peter Kairuz; Ambassador Antonio A. Morales; Ms. Camille Basa, Crowbow Communication Services; Mr. Vic Garcia, President CEO of Unleash International Corporation; Ms. Avelynn Garcia, EVP Unleash; and First Secretary and Consul Mersole J. Mellejor
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