Department of Trade & Industry (DTI): The executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for realizing the country’s goal of globally competitive and innovative industry and services sectors that contribute to inclusive growth and employment generation.
Board of Investments (BOI): An attached agency of Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the BOI is the lead government agency responsible for the promotion of investments in the Philippines. BOI assists Filipino and foreign investors to venture and prosper in desirable areas of economic activities. The BOI is your one-stop shop in doing business in the Philippines.
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA): An attached agency of the Department of Trade and Industry, PEZA is tasked to promote investments, extend assistance, register, grant incentives to and facilitate the business operations of investors in export-oriented manufacturing and service facilities in PEZA Special Economic Zones.
Center for International Trade Expositions & Missions (CITEM): As the export marketing arm of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), CITEM is committed to develop and nurture globally competitive Philippine SMEs, exporters, designers, and manufacturers by implementing an Integrated Approach to Export Marketing in partnership with other government and private entities. CITEM organizes signature Events that provide global trade platforms for Philippine exports; primarily in the design-driven (home and fashion lifestyle) and food industries.
Zamboecozone and Freeport: a decentralized, self-reliant agro-industrial, commercial, financial, investment and tourism center and Freeport with suitable retirement and residential areas in Zamboanga City
Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry: the voice of Philippine business recognized by government and international institutions. As a proactive catalyst of development, PCCI promotes and supports the drive for globally competitive Philippine enterprises in partnership with government, local chambers, and other business organizations.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas: the central bank of the Republic of the Philippines. It was established on 3 July 1993 pursuant to the provisions of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and the New Central Bank Act of 1993. The BSP took over from the Central Bank of Philippines, which was established on 3 January 1949, as the country’s central monetary authority. It enjoys fiscal and administrative autonomy from the National Government in the pursuit of its mandated responsibilities.
Bureau of Internal Revenue: mandated by law to assess and collect all national internal revenue taxes, fees and charges, and to enforce all forfeitures, penalties and fines connected therewith, including the execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor by the Court of Tax Appeals and the ordinary courts.
Securities and Exchange Commission: the government agency within the Office of the President of the Philippines responsible for strengthening the corporate and capital market infrastructure of the Philippines, and maintaining a regulatory system and promoting the interests of investors in a free, fair and competitive business environment.
Philippine Exporters Confederation: a non-stock, non-profit private umbrella organization of the Philippine exporters. Its goal is to strengthen the country’s export industry through its export promotion and development programs.
Philippine Statistics Authority: serves as the central statistical authority of the Philippine government on primary data collection
Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority: a government agency that played a significant role in the development of the Subic Bay Freeport and Special Economic Zone into a self-sustainable area offering unique maritime, eco-tourism and high-tech industrial services (infrastructure) to the world as a showcase of Philippine economic progress and development.
Clark Development Corporation: a former US military base. Its strategic location is right at the heart of growing markets in the Asia-Pacific region. The zone’s modern infrastructure facilities, generous fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, professional support services and amenities make it an ideal place for investment.
Metro Manila Development Authority is an agency of the Republic of the Philippines created embracing the cities and municipalities of Metro Manila which performs development planning; transport and traffic management; solid waste disposal and management; flood control and sewerage management; urban renewal, zoning and land use planning and shelter services; health and sanitation, urban protection and pollution control; and public safety. These functions are performed by the MMDA within Metro Manila without diminution of the autonomy of the local government units.