On 19 May 2017, athletes from Singapore and other ASEAN countries gathered for the opening of the 9th Special Olympics at the Bishan Stadium.
President Tony Tam Keng Yam opened the games. He was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Mary Tan.

The Special Olympics was participated in by 660 athletes and 170 coaches from various schools in Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and the Philippines.
This gathering of athletes with special needs is unique as it was organized entirely by more than 1,000 volunteers – from parents of athletes, mainstream schools and corporate companies.
The athletes will compete in seven games, namely, athletics, badminton, bocce, bowling, football, swimming and table tennis.

After the parade and the lighting of the torch, performances by children with special needs were showcased. A special video segment on the various challenges that had to be conquered by two Filipino athletes in order to join in the games was also shown.
The Embassy was represented by Third Secretary and Vice Consul Laarni Zorayda Gandarosa in the event.