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PH Shares Best Practices on Hosting APEC
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Ambassador Ma. Angelina M. Sta. Catalina (center) delivers her remarks during the opening of the “Workshop on Preparing and Hosting APEC Year”. She is flanked by Ms. Irene Sim (left), APEC Secretariat Chief of Staff, and Dr. Alan Bollard, APEC Secretariat Executive Director.

09 June 2017 – Former Deputy Director General for Conference Management Services of the APEC 2015 National Organizing Committee, Ambassador Ma. Angelina M. Sta. Catalina, was among the resource persons during the “Workshop on Preparing and Hosting APEC Year” held on 08-09 June 2017 at the APEC Secretariat in Singapore.

The Philippines served as Host Economy of APEC in 2015, where Ambassador Sta. Catalina was among the key officials responsible for the successful staging of this international event.

The seminar was organized in response to the clamor of incoming APEC host economies (i.e., Papua New Guinea in 2018, Chile in 2019, Malaysia in 2020, New Zealand in 2021, and Thailand in 2022) for guidance on how to prepare for their future roles.

Among the topics discussed were resource mobilization and management, accommodations, security, and public awareness.

Minister Grace T. Cruz-Fabella (leftmost) of the APEC Secretariat shares her experience and the lessons she learned as Host Economy Representative (HER) in 2015, together with Peru (center) who was the HER in 2017 and Vietnam as the current HER.

Minister Grace T. Cruz-Fabella of the APEC Secretariat also shared her experience and the lessons learned in her previous capacity as Host Economy Representative (HER), together with previous HERs from China, Peru, and the current one Vietnam.

Aside from the incoming APEC Host Economies, there were also participants from Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Chinese Taipei, and the Philippines (through the Philippine Embassy in Singapore).

Amb. Sta. Catalina and Minister Fabella are joined by First Secretary for Economic Affairs Gonaranao B. Musor (rightmost) and Third Secretary Laarni Zorayda S. Gandarosa (leftmost) who participated in the workshop.
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