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Philippine Ambassador To Singapore Hosts an Appreciation Dinner for Filipino Community Volunteers and Performers who assisted in the 28 April Meeting of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
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Ambassador Joseph Del Mar Yap delivering his remarks at the Appreciation Dinner
The Filipino Community Volunteers and Performers who were honoured during the Appreciation Dinner hosted by Ambassador Yap

On 14 May 2018, Ambassador Joseph Del Mar Yap hosted an Appreciation Dinner for the volunteers and performers during the 28 April 2018 meeting of President Rodrigo Duterte with the Filipino Community which was held after his participation in the 32nd ASEAN Summit.

The Ambassador personally thanked the volunteers and performers for their invaluable contribution to the success of the Filipino Community Meeting.

Two-hundred volunteers which formed the marshals, food and logistics, medics, registration and programme committees as well as the one hundred performers were   honoured on that night. The Embassy also issued certificate of appreciation to them and a t-shirt from the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO).

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