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Philippine Embassy Singapore Joins Launching of Latest Book by former President S R Nathan
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19 January 2015, The Philippine Embassy joined 300 special guests including members of the diplomatic corps in Singapore to witness the launching of the latest book by the former President of Singapore S R Nathan entitled, “S R Nathan in Conversation” at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Singapore Management University (SMU). Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law was Guest of Honour. In this photo, Mr. Nathan is shown placing his digital signature on the complimentary copy of the book given to SMU. Also on stage are Minister Shanmugam and SMU officials.
Former Singapore President S R Nathan autographs a copy of his book “S R Nathan in Conversation” for the representative of the Philippine Embassy in Singapore following the book’s launch ceremony yesterday, 19 January 2015, at the Mochtar Riady Auditorium, SMU. The 224-page book covers a range of topics including Mr. Nathan’s early years to foreign policy, anecdotes of his personal interactions with Singapore leaders, his views on the future of Singapore as well as a transcript of interview sessions with him by writer Timothy Auger. Mr. Nathan is donating 1,000 copies of the book for distribution in selected schools across Singapore.



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