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Singapore PE Joins the 2018 Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Liaison Night
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The Philippine Embassy in Singapore, led by its Deputy Head of Mission Victorio Mario Dimagiba, Jr. joined the 2018 Annual Liaison Night hosted by the Immigration of Checkpoints Authority on 14 March 2018. Members of the diplomatic corps and various representatives from Singapore government entities were welcomed by Mr. Clarence Yeo, incumbent ICA Commissioner. Joining Consul General Dimagiba and Commissioner Yeo in this photo are Assistance to Nationals Officers Frances Gail Atangan and Veronica Baculio, Vice Consul Laarni Zorayda Gandarosa and Protocol Officer Raul Macapinlac. Over the years, the ICA and the Philippine Embassy in Singapore have forged a strong partnership particularly in the provision of consular and assistance to nationals services to Filipino nationals.
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