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DOST Officials attend Training Program at Nanyang Polytechnic
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Amb. Antonio A. Morales poses for a souvenir photo with the Regional Directors and senior officials from the Philippine Department of Science and Technology (DOST) after a networking lunch on 07 April 2016 at the Straits Kitchen hosted by the Chief Executive Officer of Nanyang Polytechnic International, Mr. Foong Tze Foon (fifth from the left). Also in photo are Mr. Lin Cheng Ton (second to the left of Amb. Morales) and Mr. Anthony Woon (second from left), Chief Advisor and Director for Projects, International Development, respectively, of Nanyang Polytechnic International.

07 April 2016-Twenty (20) Senior Officials from the Philippine Department of Science and Technology (DOST) attended a “Food Safety and Technology Program” organized by Nanyang Polytechnic International under a grant from the Temasek Foundation. The three (3)-year project consisting of eight (8) programs, aims to provide capability and capacity building to officials and experts from the DOST in the area of food safety and technology.

A total of 120 officials will participate in the project organized for the participants at three (3) levels:

  • Forty(40) senior officials and leaders from DOST and Department of Health(DOH) will attend two(2) sets of a one-week Leaders’ Program;
  • Sixty(60) middle management staff from the DOST and DOH will undergo a two(2)-week Managers’ Program; and
  • Sixty (60) specialists will attend a three (3)-week specialist program.

The training will be organized by the Nanyang Polytechnic International and the Department of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences of Nanyang Polytechnic’s School of Chemical and Life Sciences.

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