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Filipino Christmas Starts Early at Mandarin Orchard
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22 October 2018 – It’s an early Christmas celebration at Mandarin Orchard as they hosted an event for media and other influencers last 19 October that showcased capiz parols from Pampanga.

Ambassador Joseph Del Mar Yap was among the VIPs invited to this exclusive event.

“No one celebrates Christmas the way Filipinos do – colourful and early! And Mandarin Orchard’s Christmas celebration in October certainly gave a Filipino vibe with their capiz parols,” Ambassador Yap said.

The capiz parols were procured through Rysoli Enterprises, a Singapore-based online retail store for Philippine products owned by Ms. Nanette Ong in collaboration with Ms. Janice Azupardo, Regional Vice President for Branding and Communications of Meritus Hotels and Resorts.

Both Misses Ong and Azupardo are Filipino nationals based in Singapore.

Meritus is the Singapore-based mother company of Mandarin Orchard.

The capiz parols will be showcased again by Mandarin Orchard during their actual Christmas party cum charity event this December.

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