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Philippine Ambassador to Singapore meets former UN Secretary General at Midas Touch Asia 2015 in Singapore
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On 27 August 2015, Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales had an opportunity to personally meet former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan during the Midas Touch Asia 2015 event held at the Fullerton Hotel in Singapore on 27 August 2015. Mr. Annan was invited to speak at the event that was attended by members of the diplomatic corps and captains of the business community in Singapore.

Midas Touch Asia (MTA) is an annual event which provides the platform for entrepreneurs, senior management and high net worth individuals to learn from the very best around the world. According to its web site, MTA aims to gather all local and overseas like-minded individuals to come together to learn and play at the highest field of their respective industries. It provides a platform for attendees to follow-up and network throughout the year after each MTA forum.



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