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Ms. Universe Singapore has Filipino Creative Consultant
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Mr. Jonas Gaffud, the new Creative Director of Miss Universe Philippines, calls on Ambassador Joseph Del Mar Yap last 05 July, where he called upon the support of the Filipino community in his latest venture as Creative Consultant for Miss Universe Singapore.

08 July 2019 – Mr. Jonas Antonio Gaffud is now the Creative Consultant for Miss Universe Singapore.

He hopes to establish an effective synergy among the different Ms. Universe franchises in the region and serve as a platform to support worthy advocacies, including those in the Philippines.

Ambassador Yap suggested that Mr. Gaffud build upon the ASEAN identity that Singapore strongly supports for the region.

Mr. Gaffud was in Singapore to explore partnerships in preparation for the finals gala of Ms. Universe Singapore Pageant in September this year.

Mr. Gaffud is the mentor and manager of 2015 Ms. Universe Pia Wurtzbach.

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