26 February 2019 – The Philippine Embassy in Singapore hosted a financial literacy seminar on retail treasury bonds (RTBs) on Saturday, 23 February 2019. The seminar was conducted by Ms. Sharon P. Almanza, Deputy Treasurer of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Bureau of Treasury, as one of their roadshows to launch the 22nd Tranche of RTBs and the first Online RTB Ordering Platform. About 140 overseas Filipinos attended the seminar.
The talk discussed the features of the different types of government securities including Retail Treasury Bonds (RTBs), Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Fixed Rate Treasury Notes (FXTNs), Republic of the Philippine Bonds (ROPs), Samurai Bonds and Global Bonds. The talk also provided information on how overseas Filipinos can purchase RTBs.
Mr. Henson G. Casalem, Manager of the Development Bank of the Philippines also gave a talk on the relevance of banks as one stop shops for financial solutions and the basic requirements to accomplish in order to purchase RTBs.
The 22nd Tranche of RTBs was launched on 26 February and will be offered until 8 March 2019. The Bureau of Treasury assured that RTBs are safe and affordable (minimum investment of 5,000 pesos) with higher expected interest rate than bank deposits. Overseas Filipinos may purchase RTBs through the BTr website or through authorized selling banks.