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Barker Road Methodist Church cited for work benefiting Filipinos in Singapore
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Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales lauded the Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) in Singapore for its effort in promoting the spiritual well-being of Filipino community members in Singapore. Ambassador Morales made the comments during the 34th anniversary of the Filipino Ministry of the Church at the Anglo-Chinese International School Auditorium.

Ambassador Antonio A. Morales led representatives of the Philippine Embassy and the Philippine Overseas Labour Office to the celebration.

Ambassador Morales said that based on the experience of the Philippine Embassy in Singapore and elsewhere, Filipinos who are spiritually-grounded are less likely to be involved in problems abroad implying the positive influence of religious organizations like BRMC to Filipinos abroad.

Top: Ambassador Antonio A. Morales delivers his remarks during the 34th Anniversary of the Filipino Ministry at Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) Singapore; Bottom: Group photo with BRMC officials and representatives of the Philippine Embassy in Singapore.
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