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PHL officials gather at Official Residence in Singapore
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Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales on Wednesday, 16 November 2016, hosted a dinner for guests from PHL who are on official travel to Singapore at the Philippine residence at Victoria Park Road. The group included officials from the Office of the Solicitor General headed by Assistant Solicitor General Bernard Hernandez; POEA Deputy Administrator Aristodes Ruaro; and DOLE International Labour Relations Director Dr. Jesus Cruz Jr. The dinner was also an occasion to welcome the latest addition to the Philippine Embassy team, First Secretary and Consul Gonaranao Musor and his spouse. Also present were DFA Director Jed Leona and Ms. Dulce Amor Fortunado, Foreign Service Institute, who came with a group of new Foreign Service Officers from the DFA who are conducting their apprenticeship at the Philippine Embassy. Officers of the Embassy led by Minister Grace Cruz-Fabella joined Ambassador Morales in welcoming the guests.

Ambassador Antonio A. Morales, standing left welcomes the guests at the dinner that he hosted at the Philippine residence on 16 November 2016. Also in photo are Assistant Solicitor General Bernard Hernandez; POEA Deputy Administrator Aristodes Ruaro and DOLE-ILAB Director Dr. Jesus Cruz Jr (seated from left to right) and officials from the Office of the Solicitor General, the Embassy, DFA-Manila and FSI.
Left: Ambassador Morales in a group photo taken after the dinner. Right: Family picture of officials from the Philippine Embassy, DFA-Manila and FSI.
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