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Philippine Fair held at Fair Price Extra Jurong Point, Singapore
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16 June 2016-Philippine food importer Orient Pearl Foods organized a Philippine Fair on 11-12 June 2016 at the Fair Price Extra Jurong Point branch to coincide with the commemoration of the 118th Anniversary of Philippine Independence.  Orient Pearl set up a replica of a “Bahay Kubo” to display a variety of Philippine food products.  The short program featured dance numbers by the Philippine Dance Club.  First Secretary & Consul Mersole J. Mellejor, First Secretary & Consul Edna May G. Lazaro as well as Ms. Anne Catherine R. Ronquillo joined in the festivities.

First Secretaries & Consuls Mersole J. Mellejor and Edna May G. Lazaro pose for photo with the members of the Philippine Dance Club who performed a native Philippine dance called “Pandanggo sa Ilaw”.
A replica of a bahay kubo with a variety of Philippine products on display.
First Secretaries & Consuls Mersole J. Mellejor and Edna May G. Lazaro pose for a souvenir photo with some of the Filipino employees of Fair Price Extra. Also in photo are Mr. Muthu Muragaiyan, owner of Orient Pearl Foods (rightmost) and Ms. Catherine Ronquillo of the Philippine Trade and Investment Center (PTIC).
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