18 October 2021 – Ambassador Joseph del Mar Yap virtually delivered the Welcome Remarks for yesterday’s launch of the Ateneo Overseas Filipinos’ Leadership, Innovation, Financial Literacy & Social Entrepreneurship Program (Ateneo OF-LIFE) Batches 98 (Bangkok), 99 (Seoul), and 100 (Singapore), together with Philippine Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Ma. Theresa B. Dizon De Vega, Philippine Commercial Attaché in Bangkok, Mr. Enrico Mariano, and Honorary President of the Philippine Bayanihan Society of Singapore, Atty. Ranvir Kumar Singh. Also present at the launch were Mr. Edgardo Valenzuela and Ms. Cristina Liamzon of the Ateneo School of Government.
As the participants embark on the 12-week online course, Ambassador Yap wished everyone success and reminded them to learn well and use this opportunity to lay down the foundation for their economic security upon retirement or reintegration into Philippine society, when they finally go back home and enjoy the fruits of their labor, after enduring years of being away from their loved ones.
ALSE OF-LIFE, a product of collaborative efforts among the government, academia, civil society, and private sector, is a certificate course that aims to transform the mindset of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and their families by providing them with basic skills in Leadership, Social Innovation, Financial Literacy, and Social Entrepreneurship and is being offered in 12 countries worldwide. Through this endeavor, the participants will be able to establish and cultivate meaningful relationships with their mentors and fellow participants and the opportunity to take control of their lives, find ways to improve themselves, and strive to be agents of change and transformation to contribute to society and nation-building.