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Philippine Embassy Officials join SICC Meeting
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The Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales and PHL Commercial Counsellor Glenn G. Peñaranda were invited to the meeting of the ASEAN Committee of the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce (SICC) on 6 March 2017 at the SICC Members’ Room. During the meeting, Ambassador Morales conducted a briefing on the priorities of the Philippine chairmanship of ASEAN as well as the activities that the country will spearhead in 2017, which also coincides with the 50th founding anniversary of ASEAN. Commercial Counsellor Peñaranda, on the other hand, made a presentation on the business and investment opportunities in the Philippines and on how the country intends to participate meaningfully in an integrated ASEAN economy. The SICC meeting is one of the numerous business events that the Philippine Embassy and the PHL Trade and Investment Centre (PTIC) Singapore have to participate in their effort to promote PHL as a business and investment destination for companies that are either based or headquartered in Singapore.

From left to right: Mr. Philip Pang (SICC), Commercial Counsellor Glenn G. Peñaranda, Ambassador Antonio A. Morales and Mr. Victor Mills (SICC).
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