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2017 Sessions of Leadership and Social Enterpreneurship (LSE) Program open in Singapore
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The LSE Consortium on Migration and Development and the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG) launched the opening sessions of the Batch 47  and Batch 52 of the Leadership and Social Enterpreneurship (LSE) Program at the AIA Centre on 18 February 2017 and at the Philippine Bayanihan Centre on 19 February 2017, respectively. Philippine Ambassador to Singapore Antonio A. Morales and representatives of Philippine Embassy grace both events. Ambassador Morales thanked the LSE-CMD and ASoG for building through their success from the initial offering of the program in 2016. He also congratulated the participants for their decision to enrol in the training noting that the LSE initiative complements the efforts of PHL government in general and the Embassy in particular in providing opportunities for overseas Filipinos to pursue further education.

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