18 August 2019 – The Philippine Bayanihan Society of Singapore (PBSS) in coordination with the Philippine Embassy organized the inaugural Bayanihan lecture on “The Impact of Social Capital” which was held on 18 August 2019 at Mochtar Riady Auditorium, Singapore Management University.
Ambassador Joseph del Mar Yap who is also the Adviser of the PBSS delivered the opening remarks.
Dr. Anton Mari Lim, co-founder of the Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation talked about the power of one and the collective impact of Bayanihan on social entrepreneurship. He made a touching presentation on how the Yellow Boat of Hope supports impoverished rural communities in the Philippines by providing “yellow boats” to school children so that they can reach their schools safe and dry. The foundation, which started building boats for school children, has expanded to other beneficial projects: Adopt-a-Fisherman project, construction of schools and day care centers, distribution of school bags and other school supplies, medical/dental missions, feeding program, livelihood projects and the construction of dormitories for schoolchildren who live in far-flung areas. Dr. Lim, a humanitarian and a community volunteer, is also the co-founder of Republika ng Filinvestor Movement, President of the Filinvestor International Foundation and Director for Business Development of the Filinvest International Sales Group.
The second speaker was Mr. Sam Al-Schamma, Managing Director of the Flight Experience Singapore. He shared his experiences as an active volunteer and a successful social entrepreneur.
Mr. Ranvir Kumar Singh, PBSS Honorary President, who is also active in social services and grassroots activities in Singapore, participated in the panel discussion moderated by Filipino media personality and former Channel News Asia reporter, Mr. Timothy Go.
The panel discussion focused on how social entrepreneurs can be the change agent in the social sector. They shared ways on how to develop and apply innovations for social and economic development. END