09 March 2023, Singapore – The Philippine Embassy in Singapore joined the rest of the world in celebrating International Women’s Day (IWD) on 08 March 2023. The IWD, which the United Nations adopted as an international annual observance in 1975, recognizes the contributions and accomplishments of women in all spheres of life.
In the Philippines, the commemoration of IWD is one of the highlights of the National Women’s Month (NWM). This annual celebration provides a venue to recognize the invaluable role and contribution of women in nation-building and national development.
For the years 2023 to 2028, the adopted the multi-year theme of “WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society” which highlights three (3) themes – women empowerment, gender equality and inclusive society. WE stands for Women Empowerment, a call to stakeholders in the government and private sectors to enable women to confidently and meaningfully engage with institutions. Gender Equality is the continuing global and national advocacy to close the gender gap at home, in the workplace, and in politics, while Inclusive Society refers to the aspiration of a community where differences in status, religion, ethnicity, age, sex and gender do not translate to disparities in opportunities.
Kababayans are encouraged to visit the 2023 NWM web page on the PCW’s website to know more about this year’s theme, focus and activities, and to join online public fora and threads on women issues using the hashtags #WEcanbeEquALL, #JuanaSays, #IWD, #WEcanbeEquALL, #PurpleWednesdays2023, #NMW2023 and
Stay tuned for the Embassy’s activities for the NWM, including providing Sunday consular and labor services on 26 March 2023, the details of which will be shared in the Embassy’s official website, Facebook page, and Instagram account. (END).
#NationalWomensMonth2023 #NWM2023