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Philippine Ambassador graces Maybank’s Cocktail Reception
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Philippine Ambassador attended a cocktail reception hosted by Maybank on Wednesday, 19 July 207 at the Ritz-Carlton Singapore. Also present in the event were officials of Maybank’s partner companies and some representatives of the diplomatic community. During the reception, Ambassador Morales thanked Maybank officials headed by Chairman Datu Mohaiyani Shamsudin for their continued confidence in the Philippines. Building strong relations with the banking industry is a priority of the Philippine Embassy in Singapore under Ambassador Morales to support the overall efforts of the Philippine government to drawing more foreign investments to the country. Maybank has operations in the Philippines. It also employs a number of Filipinos in its various branches including more than a hundred in Singapore.

Ambassador Antonio A. Morales (2nd from right) with the Chairman of the Board of Maybank Datuk Mohaiyani Shamsudin (middle) and other guests of the cocktail reception at Ritz-Carlton Singapore on 19 July 2017. Inset: Ambassador Morales with Maybank’s Mr. Allen Ng and Mr. Sikh Shamsul Ibrahim of the Malaysian High Commission.
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