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Philippines, Singapore Convene 7th Defense Policy Dialogue
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September 19, 2024 (Singapore) – Department of National Defense (DND) Assistant Secretary for Strategic Assessments and International Affairs, Marita I Yoro, CESO III met with her Singaporean counterpart, Brigadier General Frederick Choo, Deputy Secretary (Policy), for the convening of the 7th Defense Policy Dialogue (DPD).

The DPD serves as a working-level bilateral dialogue platform that aims to exchange views on regional security developments and review the overall bilateral defense relations between the two (2) countries.

Following the signing of the Philippines-Singapore Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Defense Cooperation last July 2024, the two (2) countries reaffirmed commitment to sustain the momentum to deepen bilateral defense relations and the multi-faceted ways of partnership between Philippines and Singapore during the 7th DPD.

Both countries further discussed the crafting of the Five-Year Defense Engagement Plan (DEP) from CY 2024 to 2029, which focuses on the strengthening of engagements between the defense and military institutions, including the service-level dialogue mechanisms among Navies and Air Forces. The two countries also commended the sustained military relations between both countries’ Armed Forces, particularly the working group between Armies, since the 6th DPD held last year in Manila.

With the emerging security challenges in the region, the Philippines and Singapore shared perspective on their respective relations with US and China, and exchanged views on the developments in the West Philippine Sea/South China Sea, threats of terrorism, and the current cybersecurity situation in the region.

The two countries commended the contributions of the Counter-Terrorism Information Facility (CTIF) in Singapore, which the Philippines is co-chairing this year, in monitoring and deterring terrorist activities in the region. The current assessments of both countries in the increasing cyber threats in the region prompted the discussion to further develop cooperation in the aspect of cybersecurity, through sharing of information and best practices. The Philippines shared its ongoing effort to create a fully operational AFP Cyber Command elevating the current AFP Cyber Group.

On multilateral cooperation, both sides reaffirmed support to their respective initiatives and Concept Papers under the auspices of the ADMM and ADMM-Plus. The Philippine side thanked Singapore for its continued support for the Philippines’ co-chairship with Japan of the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM-Plus Experts’ Working Group (EWG) on Maritime Security for 2024-2027 cycle.

Prior to the 7th DPD, the Philippine delegation rendered a courtesy call on Mr. Chan Heng Kee, Permanent Secretary (Defence), where both sides committed to further deepen bilateral and military relations, and visited the ADMM Cybersecurity and Information Center of Excellence (ACICE).


Reposted from the official website of the Department of National Defense 

Photo credit: Department of National Defense

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