SINGAPORE, 13 July 2024 – Philippine Ambassador to Singapore and Philippine Governor to the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) Medardo G. Macaraig, joined fellow Governors of ASEF member countries in the 45th Asia-Europe Board of Governors’ Meeting (ASEFBoG45) held in Bali, Indonesia from 11 to 13 July 2024. He was accompanied in the meeting by First Secretary and Consul Joyleen E. Santos.
The ASEF Board of Governors meets annually, alternately in Asia and in Europe, to review ASEF’s strategy and policies, discuss updates on its programs and projects, and strengthen partnerships and collaborations between Asian and European countries to promote areas for growth and development through intellectual, cultural, and people-to-people capacity exchanges. The Board also oversees ASEF’s finances and budgeting, and this includes granting approval for its projects and programs.

The ASEFBoG45 was hosted by the Government of Indonesia and co-chaired by Mr. Md. Rais Hasan Sarower, ASEF Governor from Bangladesh and Chair of the BoG, and Ambassador Toru Morikawa from Japan, who will soon conclude his term as ASEF Executive Director.
The Meeting in Bali also welcomed 14 new Governors to ASEF, discussed ASEF’s 3-year Strategy as well as updates and reports on the organization’s work on communications, human resources, finances and 2025 project proposals. It concluded with a renewed commitment from all participating countries to work together in addressing pressing global issues and fostering greater understanding and cooperation between Asia and Europe.

One of the highlights of the meeting was the election of the ASEF’s new Executive Director Ambassador Beata Stoczynska of Poland, and Deputy Executive Director (DED) Mr. Zhang Lei of China. The Board also approved the nomination of Mr. Ionannis Giogkarakis-Argyropoulus, Governor for the European Union as Chair of the ASEFBoG for 2024, replacing Mr. Sarower.

The Philippines thanks Ambassador Toru Morikawa for his four years of service in managing the ASEF since his assumption in August 2020, and welcomes the new leadership of ASEF with the resolve to work closely with them, fellow ASEF Governors and the ASEF Secretariat.
The Philippine delegation also took part in the Conservation Retreat arranged for the ASEF participants on 13 July, which was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia.
Founded in 1997, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) is an intergovernmental, not-for-profit organization which brings together the people of Asia and Europe to address common global challenges. It brings together 22 Asian and 31 European members. (END)

Photo credit to ASEF Secretariat